Your Business?
How can we help your business objectives?
Reduce costs – we work with clients to get their IT stable and reduce problems. For one training company we halved their annual IT costs, reducing their server requirements and massively increasing the system reliability. First year saving was around £25k.
Improve reliability – some customers can tell us exactly how much they lose per hour when a computer doesn’t work. Its not that straightforward for everyone, but there is an impact on your business whether financial or reputation or morale, every time there is an IT issue. Let’s identify the problems, get them fixed asap, keep your company focussed on doing your business and doing more business.
Improve efficiency – sometimes it takes one of our computer experts to look at a task and say, why are you doing it like that? Why not use program X or computer Y. Its surprising how often when someone explains how the company carries out a job, we’re able to offer suggestions to speed up response times, or where a faster computer might be beneficial, extending the useful life of an older computer, using tablets effectively, remote working.
Am I secure – hardly a day goes by without another news story about hacking or viruses or a massive loss of data. It may look like the big companies taking the hits, but no-one is immune. Through our monitoring we see a lot of attempted hacks against companies of all sizes. We can assess your computer security, identify weaknesses and make sure your business is protected. Being proactive about your security ensures you’re not the weakest target on the internet.
We want to be bigger – one of the key issues for a growing company is ensuring your IT scales with you. No matter whether you’re going up a gear from 2 staff to 3, or 20 to 30 or building out a whole new office or department, you need to plan the IT growth to ensure the systems can accommodate the workload. We can help your planning, capacity and timetables, and make sure you’ve got the right systems in place at the right time.